Friday, August 25, 2006

The First Week Draws to a Close

.. and how. It's been an awesome first week of college (as you could have gathered from my few postings throughout the week). So far it's been mostly "studying"--not really, just not crazy partying yet--and calm with a few classes everyday. Overall I like my classes, especially when compared to those which I was forced to take at Broad Run, but there are some that just make me want to take a fork and stab away at my sensitive eye tissue.

For example: both of the math classes that I am enrolled in. This includes Vector Geometry and Elementary Linear Algebra. Now probably to most non-college students these sound like crazy hard classes. Trust me, they're not. If you can do basic Algebra and Geometry--go figure--then you can easily learn and ace each of the classes. Sadly enough, Virginia Tech knows this because both of them are more or less online classes with teachers that just help students out. Every week we're expected to go down to the Math Emporium (a few miles away in the University Mall) and take a quiz on material we basically tought ourselves. Whee (with excitement of course)...

Righto. Well other than those two classes that insult eveyrone's intelligence, the rest of my classes seem to be all right. The lab portion of computer science seems like it's gonna be a real bitch to get anything done in, but that's the one class that I really want to do well in so I'd say things will turn out okay.

Mmm, so I'm quite pleased that Friday has come. Before, in high school that is, weekdays meant a full day of class but it wasn't like they were hard. Also, you got to see your friends everyday at school. Here, class isn't the best of time to chat with people. This means that when weekends come, people have to use every minute to its fullest to have fun. Oh, and study... I guess ^^; But, you know, who's keeping track? Really? Nobody of course. So fun comes on weekends. All I gotta do is keep up with the work I've been assigned (which for the most part I think I can take care of).

There is one thing that I've been looking forward to doing here: joining clubs. There are a crap load of clubs here at Tech. If anyone has ever had the thought, "Hmmm, there should be a club for *insert name of club or activity here*," then there is most likely a club made for that already. If on the rare occassion there isn't, then, like always, anybody can easily start said club. Personally, I'd like to join some sort of martial arts club--remember, I did Tae Kwon Do--and the frisbee club would be awsome (though I suck compared to all the people I've seen). Other than that, any club that has some fun thing to do and fun people in it would be worth joining. Clubs demand very little time and are more for social purposes--a lot like those political groups we learned about in government last year... yeah.

Well, on that note I think I'll be seeing you all later. Yes, all negative two of you. I don't forget, I write this blog just for you! *clears throat* Right, back to serious matters. I'm done here for the day. Take care and enjoy your day. I'mma go find something to do, laters.

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