Thursday, September 07, 2006

Random Thoughts

Yup, so I've just been writing about the past mostly as of late. So I thought that it was about time to get some catch up here. You know, about the recent times.

(Oh, and if you're curious, yes, I do have a paper to type. This is called procrastination, and I am pulling it to the best of my ability right now.)

College life has been chilling down to a reasonable level--a bit too slow for my tastes, but that's a whole 'nother story. Things are becoming slightly routine, which is why I want to do something to get rid of that feeling. Routine usually means boredom and nothing new, so I need to get off my butt to change that! I want a continuation of my crazy summer where I met a bunch of new people and made a bunch of new friends. Considering that Virginia Tech has around twenty-five thousand people, I'd say that it's quite feasible.

So my plan of action consists of this:

1. Meet someone new and befriend.
2. Get cell phone number.
3. When bored call said person and set up "hang time."
4. During hang time, get to know them better and meet their friends.
5. Rinse (thoroughly) and repeat.

This way it's like one of those exponential things. And, considering the fact that I have already gotten a good amount of numbers, it seems like I'm off to a good start already! ...isn't it sad that I numerize these things and then compliment myself? Man, my whole methodology is probably way off, but you know what, I'mma make it work.

So enough about my Friend-making Techniques™. Really, another reason that I'm bored is the lack of interesting work to do. I mean, ideally we wouldn't get any work and I'd just be free to do whatever I wanted all of the time, but that's just one of those dreams that's not gonna happen in the real world. Instead, I am stuck taking math courses three levels below what I've already done, engineering courses that are true bs in the full sense of the word, and... well that's about it. My other classes have so much potential to be fun and educational (yes, educational), still, they must be taking their time or something because I have yet to spot either.

Yeah, that's about all that's been going on. Not much for the most part. Oooh, one more thing before I call it a night: I was hanging with Bhanu, a friend of mine who's a year older, yesterday and heard that he was gonna be starting muy thai with a few of his friends. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's downright awesome. I'd do TKD or something, but it always seems to conflict with my schedule (what am I saying... engineering's schedule -_-). But, for now I think I'll be satisfied with some mutai and learning random aikido from Sahil.

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